indie alternative mp3 cover versions

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Welcome to indie alternative cover versions

I seem to have something of a predeliction for cover versions, especially when an unsuspecting tune is given an indie alternative makeover. Something like 20% of the posts on this music blog have been covers. A good cover version is always interesting. And a bad one can have its charms too.

With that in mind I thought I'd start to highlight a few interesting indie alternative mp3 covers from the indie alternative music archives. Most of them have come with the indie alternative mp3 to download.

Neil Young 'Hey Hey My My (Cousin Cole's Into The Blue Remix)' (2009)
Neil Young's pretty open-minded, I think he'd like this gently re-rubbed version of his classic track about the perils of heroin. Cousin Cole adds double-bass and a chunky beat.

Pale Saints 'Kinky Love' (4AD, 1991)
Divine. I heard this version long before I heard the Nancy Sinatra original. Bendy, luscious, sweet and kinky cover that breaks free of the bands the indie alternative shoegaze originals.

Tindersticks 'The Girl On Death Row' (Kennel Club, 1994)
So perfectly does this song fit with Tindersticks' wonky, broke-down aesthetic, that I had no idea it was a cover until I wrote about on this here blog. Duanne Eddy's murder ballad is a perfect for the kings cinematic alternative balladeering.