Usual hatred of constant punning overcome by strangely appropriate Pet Shop Boys cover.
I was usually immune to Carter USM's brand of pun-crazy beatbox and bawling indie rocking. However, I stumbled upon this in a box of old tapes and remembered how their urgent, desperate take on the Pet Shop Boys' 'Rent' was their best moment.
The other thing I grudgingly admired was how they seemed obsessed with squeezing London placenames into their songs. 'The Only Living Boy In New Cross' and '24 Minutes From Tulse Hill' were worthy bits of wordplay. The rest of the obsessive punning just annoyed.
'Rent' itself is host to their absolute pinnacle of London placename wordplay, replacing "You took me to a restaurant, off-Broadway" with "You took me to a restaurant, Fulham Broadway". It always makes me smile and somehow seems a more appropriate venue for the lower-status partner in the relationship...
Download Carter USM 'Rent (Live at Wembley)' (indie cover pet shop boys mp3) (Box.net)
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